Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Who is flouting the ban on illegal Battery Cages?

Source: CIWF
Further to my post about Happy Hens on 7th January, Compassion in World Farming have reported that despite the EU ban on barren battery hen cages taking effect at the beginning of 2012, industry estimates show that due to the non-compliance in a number of nations there are at least 50 million European hens still being illegally kept in barren battery cages.

CIWF reports that there are 14 EU nations that are not complying with the ban on battery cages and the worst culprit is Italy, where industry estimates show that the non-compliance is at least 41% - nearly 20 million hens.

The Italian Health Minister, Renato Balduzzi oversees farm animal welfare.  Sig. Balduzzi took office in November 2011 so will not have experienced the full force of CIWF's Big Move campaign yet.  Please click here to enter a few details and automatically contact Sig. Balduzzi asking him to set out Italy's plans for full compliance to the ban on battery cages, to provide accurate figures to the Commission of the Italian egg industry's level of compliance and confirm what action the Government is taking against producers who break the law.

Please remember to share this with your friends so we can increase the pressure on Italy to adhere to this much welcomed ban on battery cages and improve the lives of nearly 20 million hens.

Thank you!

A day after writing this post I noticed this article informing us that it isn't just Italy that are flouting the ban on battery cages.  Sadly, up to 500,000 hens are still being kept in battery cages in the UK despite the ban.  The ban on battery cages was announced by the EU over ten years ago, in 2009 so British egg producers have had ample time to phase battery cages out.  The Government is confident that the new rules will be fully enforced by the beginning of next month...  Watch this space.

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