Monday, 17 January 2011

2013 Ban on Animal Tested Cosmetics Under Threat

The ban on the sale of cosmetics containing ingredients that have been tested on animals is due to come into force in 2013, unfortunately at the European Commission is considering delaying this and is asking all EU member countries to give their opinion before making their decision.

The opinion given by the UK government will be very influential in the European Commission's decision on the ban going ahead in 2013 or being delayed so it is vital that we use OUR influence by asking Members of Parliament to support the "Early Day Motion 1242" to ensure the ban goes ahead sooner rather than later.  If the ban does go ahead companies around the world will be forced to stop animal testing in order to sell their products to consumers in the EU. This is only the beginning and eventually this could pave the way to end cosmetic animal testing all over the world.

How to help:
Click here to be taken to the Humane Society International website where you can complete a short form in order to contact your local MP and ask them to support the Early Day Motion 1242.

Remember to ask your friends to do the same!
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