
Saturday, 22 October 2011

URGENT Help Needed ~ Beagle Breeding Facility Planned

The lovely Beagle, Tess.
Not only do we have an Intensive Pig Farm to contend with, but now representatives of  "animal farmers" Bantin & Kingman Universal Ltd have applied to build a factory farm in Yorkshire in order to breed beagles.  Originally, the East Riding Council Planning Committee rejected their request but B&K have now taken their case to the Planning Inspectorate.

I used to have a beautiful beagle named Tess, I can't imagine how she would have coped with spending her life in confinement.  No animal should spend their life in a cage, only to eventually be killed for food or in the name of research.  Dogs are meant to run, play ball (and in Tess's case really enjoy their food!) they are extremely loyal and rewarding pets.  In fact I agree wholeheartedly with this quote below:

"Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole." ~ Roger Caras

Please spare a moment to click here, enter your details and take action against this cruel planning application which could sentence beagles to a life in prison.

Can you also remember to let your friends know please?

Thank you.

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