
Saturday, 21 April 2012

We are TWO!

Happy Birthday The Animal News!

It was on this day two years ago that I made my first post on The Animal News, for some reason I feel like I have been part of this for much longer.  When I first created the blog I knew little about blogging in general and wasn't quite sure how I was going to proceed.  My goal has always been clear, The Animal News aims to raise awareness to the plights of animals all over the world and show people that it doesn't take a lot of time and effort to make a difference.  A few minutes signing a petition can make a big difference, a few more minutes asking some friends to sign the petition can make even more of a difference.  Soon, they may ask their friends and so forth, meanwhile the petition is growing and gaining more weight.

I am still learning as I go along and hope in the next year to find my feet a bit more and convince more people to spare some time to help the millions of animals in our world that have no voice of their own.

At times I find it frustrating when I feel like nobody is listening, and sometimes I feel overwhelmed when I receive a high volume of e-mails from Animal Welfare Organisations needing help and I am not able to respond due to work commitments.  All this is easily bearable when I see that you, the readers, are listening, taking note, showing interest and taking action.  I want to thank each and every one of you for your time and support and for continuing to read The Animal News.

Special thanks goes out to the people at BlogPaws for putting me in touch with so many like minded animal lovers and to the loyal Twitter followers who constantly promote my blog posts and take action alerts.

Here's to next year!

PS ~ I would love to hear any feedback you have to offer on how I could improve The Animal News.  What would you like to see on here?  Are there any causes you would like me to promote?  Would you like more posts, or less?  Please contact me on Facebook, Twitter or via E-mail on theanimalnews at googlemailcom.

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