
Monday, 2 April 2012

Campaign Update: 8 Hours

Despite bringing you news of many of the campaigns run by various animal welfare organisations, I am not so good at updating you very regularly how said campaigns progress.  I hope to get better at doing this so I will start as I mean to go on and update you on the CIWF and RSPCA 8 hours campaign.

Thousands of people wrote to their MEP's back in January urging them to sign a Written Declaration calling for the establishment of a maximum 8 hour journey limit for live animals being transported.  Only 369 MEP signatures were needed but 394 signed the declaration which means it will now become an official position of the European Parliament.  This will put pressure on the Commission to reconsider the current rules in place.

This is more proof that when coming together we really can make changes, no matter how small.  The RSPCA quite rightly says that "it may be a small step towards change, but it means the world to the millions of animals who suffer during long distance live transport each year."

There is always work still to be done so whilst waiting for further updates, please sign the Number 10 Petition, if you haven't already, calling on the Government for a reform of live farm animal export laws.

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