
Tuesday, 6 March 2012

URGENT ACTION REQUIRED! Animals Stranded at Sea.

CIWF has reported a horrific situation occuring near Eritrea on a converted cargo ship in the Red Sea , thousands of cattle are dying or already dead after being stranded on the ship.  The vessel, Gracia Del Mar, is carrying cattle from Brazil to Egypt and it has been suggested that one of the ships engines has broken down resulting in ventilation failure and ultimately the extreme suffering and death of many animals.  

It is reported that more than 2,750 cattle have died already and the situation is worsening with every passing hour.

Conditions on the ship have been described as desperate, however, the ship has been refused permission to dock at a number of ports, including its destination of Egypt, due to the number of dead and dying cattle on board.  The surviving animals urgently require veterinary care or to be humanely euthanised, if necessary.

The Brazilian and Egyptian authorities must take action urgently, it is their responsibility and they have the resources to provide the support and veterinary care that is so desperately needed.  CIWF states "back in 2005 the World Organisation for Animal Health issued guidelines on animal welfare during transport at sea, both Brazil and Egypt signed up and as the exporter and importer they have clear responsibilities for the welfare of these animals."

Please click here to be directed to a readily prepared e-mail to the Brazilian and Egyptian Agriculture Ministers calling on them to fulfil their responsibilities and to allow the ship to dock, so that treatment can be administered to the surviving animals on board.  

Please do this as soon as possible!

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