
Thursday, 10 November 2011

Animals in Japan need our help.

The coldwetnose blog brought Mayhew International’s campaign to my attention.  

Taken from Mayhew International’s websiteMayhew International works to promote companion animal welfare and the humane management of homeless cats and dogs through a network of community animal care initiatives. Our work with vets interested in this area of animal welfare has a special significance for international development, benefiting communities in developing countries, many of whom rely on their animals for support.

In March this year Japan suffered the most powerful earthquake since records began, this subsequently triggering an huge tsunami.  The earthquake reached a magnitude of 8.9 on the Richter scale and has caused mass death and destruction.  A state of emergency was declared at the Fukushima nuclear power plant after the disaster caused pressure to exceed normal levels.  

Eight months on from the disaster Mayhew International reports that the situation in Japan is still chaotic especially for the animals in the region.  Months ago when people were ordered to vacate the area 20km around the Fukushima nuclear power plant they were told they could not take their animals with them and would only be absent for a few days, which wasn’t the case as people have been absent for a lot longer.  Animals were left inside houses and yards and livestock were left in small pens with only a few days worth of food and water.  Some animal groups managed to get around the barriers and reach some animals, although sadly many animals have died due to starvation and dehydration.  Now there is a threat that the evacuation zone will be extended to 30km and authorities have again informed people they will not be able to take pets with them when they are evacuated.

Mayhew International is urging us to join them in pressuring the Japanese government to set aside housing which allows pets to stay with their owners. 

This action is slightly more taxing and will involve time and a slight expense however I am sure you will agree of the worthy cause.  

Please print off several copies of this petition (PDF) and get as many people as you can to sign and post them all together to the following people and addresses:

Mr. Ryu Matsumoto, Cabinet Office, Government of Japan, 1-6-1 Nagata-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8914

Mr. Yorihisa Matsuno, The Democratic Party of Japan, #240 House of Representatives, 2-1-2 Nagata-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8982

Mr. Kouriki Jojima, The Democratic Party of Japan, 2-27 Miyamoto-cho, Kawasaki-ku, Kawasaki-shi, Kanagawa 210-0004

Due to the chaos in Japan it will be a good idea to send the post by express mail to ensure it reaches there safely.  People have been sending these petitions for quite sometime already and it has made a slight difference with the government allowing people back to collect their pets, although an update back in May states there is still a problem with animals being allowed into the evacuation centres and as yet there seems to be no news on the facilities available for animals so it is still well worth reminding the government that they do need to make provisions.

Please join Mayhew International’s Facebook page for all further news and updates. 

Working together with Mayhew is the Animal Rescue Kansai (ARK) organisation, so check out how you can help at their website.

Thank you.

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