
Saturday, 29 October 2011

Seasonal Safety ~ Part I

It’s my favourite time of year!  We are in the thick of a beautiful and so far, mild autumn.  The shops are full of Halloween novelties and already I can hear the distant sounds of Christmas Bells coming nearer.  Now is a good time to start planning on how your pets are going to cope over the coming seasonal festivities.  

Although the most traumatic time for animals will be Bonfire Night with the loud bangs and crackles, Halloween is also a time to be vigilant. reports that every Halloween, vets see pet injuries that could have been avoided.  Here are some top tips to ensure your pets are happy this Halloween.

Top Tips for a Happy Howl-Free Halloween

Walk your dog before it gets dark and the Trick or Treaters begin to call.  This will hopefully tire him or her out a little.  This is to avoid lots of strangers wearing costumes which could possibly frighten your pets.

Keep all animals indoors during the Halloween period.

Before opening the door to Trick or Treaters make sure your pets are safely secured inside, in a quiet room with their bed and favourite toys.  The further away from the front door, the better.  In case your pet makes a break for it, always make sure that your pet is micro-chipped and wearing an up to date I.D. tag.  Ensure that everyone in your household is aware not to let your pet outside. 

 Keep the sweets for Trick or Treaters only, do not under any circumstances let your pet have any sweets or chocolate and make sure that this doesn’t happen accidentally either.  Sweets and their wrappers can cause choking and obstruction so ensure that you dispose or wrappers safely.  Chocolate is poisonous and can cause nerve damage and potentially death.  If your pet has eaten any sweets or chocolate and you notice a problem, consult your vet immediately.  Ensure that you explain this to all members of your household – especially children.

Halloween costumes are not suitable for pets.  Yes, I know they look adorable but they can really frighten and annoy animals.  It is unsafe if animals are unable to see, hear or breathe and if the costume is too tight it can cut off circulation.  Basically, costumes can be a recipe for disaster and it isn’t fair to assume that your pet wants to join in with the festivities.

When walking your dog around the Halloween period, be careful to avoid any left over sweets, chocolate and wrappers.  It is a good idea to pick up and dispose of any you do find in order to help out other pet owners.

Check out The Animal News in a few days time for Part 2 of Seasonal Safety.

In the meantime, 

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