
Monday, 18 July 2011

Whaling Round Up

This year's International Whaling Commission takes place this month and it is an ideal opportunity for our friends at WDCS International, IFAW and HSI to plead with the US government on behalf of the wales.  Representatives from 89 countries (both pro whaling and pro whale protection) gather in Jersey for this meeting.

News from WDCS

WDCS is currently asking for signatures on a petition which urges the US government to impose sanctions on Iceland for its out of control whaling.  So far, 200,000 people have protested leading WDCS to expect an announcement from President Barack Obama's administration at some point soon.

What about the EU?

WDCS is working to ensure that if Iceland joins the EU, it must give up whaling.  The Dutch and German parliaments have already passed resolutions making Icelandic whaling a "zero tolerance" issue. 

News from HSI

At the top of the IWC agenda is whether to create an ocean sanctuary for whales in waters neighbouring the Caribbean.  Unfortunately, four Caribbean island nations continue to vote against protecting whales each year, thus voting against a proposition that would be both a blessing for the whales and their own region.

Please click here and enter a few details to write to these nations asking them to support the South Atlantic Whale Sanctuary.

News from IFAW

IFAW reminds us that Japan, Iceland and Norway continue to kill hundreds of whales.  Japan slaughters three different species of whales under a disguise of "scientific research".  Iceland and Norway are harpooning hundreds of minke whales and defying the global ban on whaling.  These three countries will target over 1,700 whales this season.

IFAW are encouraging government officials to join the global consensus for the conservation of whales.  More pressure is needed though so they are asking us to tell the UK Government to take action in order to end whaling.

Following these links and entering a few details can really make a difference, please remember to spread the word.  Thank you.

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