
Thursday, 17 March 2011

Seal Cull: News Roundup

I'm sorry I've not been around at such a crucial time, the Canadian Seal Cull is one of the issues closest to my heart so I am disappointed not to have been bombarding you with information and ways to help.

Here is a short summary of what has been happening in Canada so far.

Update from Humane Society International
Despite the bad weather forecast the seal cull went ahead but there is some light at the end of the tunnel, Rebecca Aldworth from HSI states that "In 2008, sealers killed more than 1,000 pups on Hay Island. Two years ago, 200. Today, half of that. Our campaign is working. Markets for seal products are closing around the world, and the prices for seal products remain very low."  She goes on to say how the ProtectSeals boycott of Canadian seafood is hitting fishermen hard and making them reconsider their support of sealing. 

IFAW have a very useful site full of information, take a look here.

How to Help

Sign the pledge to boycott Canadian seafood (Don't forget to share on Facebook and/or Twitter)
Have a look at website which is full of ways to help.

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Sad news

I am sorry for the lack of posts on The Animal News lately, unfortunately a much loved family member sadly passed away unexpectedly and I have been travelling back and forth visiting relatives etc.  

Since my co-worker left last month, work has been really busy and therefore I have not been able to spend as much time as I would have liked on here.  Even so, there is plenty going on in the animal world and I have been inundated with e-mails about the Canadian Seal Cull which is unfortunately going ahead "business as usual" so I will share the news with you as soon as I am able.