
Monday, 31 January 2011

Crows and Magpies to be culled?

On Sunday I read in the newspaper that there is going to be a cull of crows and magpies who are blamed for the decline in the population of songbirds such as the yellowhammer and skylark.  The RSPB have stated that the population drop is due to other factors such as removal of habital and food sources.  I am inclined to agree, who are we to interfere with nature in such a way?

What do you think?  Read more about it here and here.

Friday, 28 January 2011

Fluffy Friday #18

Look at that face!

This weeks star of Fluffy (feathery) Friday is a beautiful Kakapo Parrot who cannot fly and live under the trees in New Zealand.  Unfortunately the Kakapo Parrots are few and far between as there are currently only 124 of them left due to their reluctance to mate, which is very sad indeed.

Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Help Animals in Russia

In Russia there is no law regarding animal protection.  After a recent video showing members of the Russian Army abusing a dog, concerned citizens of Russia have been inspired to take a stand.  Complaints about the abuse have been filed but justice has not been served due to lack of legislation.

How to Help

A petition has been created, addressing Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, asking the Russian authorities to pass legislation to protect animals.  Please spare a moment to sign it here. (Warning, if you read the full description of the petition there is some disturbing accounts of abuse towards animals so you may want to skip this part - like I did - if you find it difficult)  The goal is 50,000 signatures and they are well on the way but need to reach that target to make a difference.  

Please tell your friends to sign this as well as it really will make a difference.

Friday, 21 January 2011

Fluffy Friday #17

Ever heard of a Potto?  I hadn't until I came across this lovely little fellow on ZooBorns and I'm mighty glad I did.  Just look at him!  If he reminds you a little of a Slow Loris but with smaller eyes that'll be because he is part of the Lorisidae family.

More about the Potto.

Wednesday, 19 January 2011

The Big Fish Fight!

Most of Europe’s fishing grounds are currently over-fished. Iconic species are disappearing and coastal communities are being run down.  This is all due to current unsustainable fishing regulations.

Channel 4 is currently running "The Big Fish Fight" where chefs including Jamie Oliver and Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall join forces championing sustainable seafood ("and celebrating lesser known delicacies of the deep" but as a vegetarian I'm not interested in that part!)

Have a look here and if you have time watch some of the very interesting and informative programmes about the fishing industry.

Did you know that over half of the fish caught in the North Sea are thrown overboard dead?  Please visit Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall's campaign to help stop this wasteful fishing.  If you support the campaign your name will be added to the ready prepared letter to Commissioner Maria Damanaki, as well as members of the Common Fisheries Policy Reform Group, and all MEPs.  If you have a bit more time to spare you can lobby your MP here asking them to sign the Early Day Motion agreeing to debate the reform of the Common Fisheries Policy.

WWF are also running a More Fish petition which you can sign here.

As I have mentioned, I don't eat fish but I don't agree with what is currently happening on our planet either.

Monday, 17 January 2011

2013 Ban on Animal Tested Cosmetics Under Threat

The ban on the sale of cosmetics containing ingredients that have been tested on animals is due to come into force in 2013, unfortunately at the European Commission is considering delaying this and is asking all EU member countries to give their opinion before making their decision.

The opinion given by the UK government will be very influential in the European Commission's decision on the ban going ahead in 2013 or being delayed so it is vital that we use OUR influence by asking Members of Parliament to support the "Early Day Motion 1242" to ensure the ban goes ahead sooner rather than later.  If the ban does go ahead companies around the world will be forced to stop animal testing in order to sell their products to consumers in the EU. This is only the beginning and eventually this could pave the way to end cosmetic animal testing all over the world.

How to help:
Click here to be taken to the Humane Society International website where you can complete a short form in order to contact your local MP and ask them to support the Early Day Motion 1242.

Remember to ask your friends to do the same!

Sunday, 16 January 2011

Suki's Serene Sunday #5

Suki and I were thrilled to see the sun this week, it has warmed up quite a bit here so we have had quite a few lovely walks.  Saying that it is pouring with rain today!

Friday, 14 January 2011

Fluffy Friday #16

I have a real treat for you this week!

You may remember my post some time back about my little sister Emily fundraising for her volunteering trip to Tanzania, well she got there and here are some glorious images taken by Emily...

I love how the hippo to the right is watching as one hippo has his teeth inspected!

What a cute pink tummy.
A giraffe family having their lunch.

A stunning image of a lioness.

Notice the little bird watching?

Mother and baby.

A lovely Warthog mother and her children.

Look at the Zebra's beautiful markings up close.

Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Mega Dairy Update

The deadline for us to voice our opposition and take action against the mega dairy application in Lincolnshire was yesterday and the good news is that 38 Degrees was able to hand in their petition containing well over 50,000 signatures!  This has even been reported on the BBC News website so our opposition is well and truly noted.

A decision on whether the mega dairy will go ahead is expected in March.

Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Big Animal News! Giant Pandas in Scotland

I was amazed yesterday to hear that after five years of negotiation two Giant Pandas will be loaned to Edinburgh Zoo for a period of 10 years.  The pandas are a breeding pair named Yangguang and Tian Tian (pictured).  Both pandas currently reside at Wolong Panda Breeding Centre in China’s Sichuan Province which altogether houses 250 breeding giant pandas. Yangguang is a male and Tian Tian is a female and they are both 7 years old.

Whilst living in Edinburgh Zoo they will be housed in separate enclosures and brought together only for mating season which is annual and will last only between two days and a week, between March and May.  Any offspring Yangguang and Tian Tian do produce will return to China soon after birth.

Initially I was thrilled to hear that I may finally get the chance to see not one but TWO Giant Panda's in the flesh but I do have a few reservations and I am waiting to see how things develop, I would hate to think this is all about business, politics and Edinburgh Zoo's visitor figures instead of conservation.  

I also can't help but think of Mercedes the Polar Bear who lived in Edinburgh Zoo for 25 years before being rehomed in the Highland Wildlife Park, Kingussie.  When we went to visit her she seemed very depressed and just paced up and down in her enclosure, I really hope Yangguang and Tian Tian are very happy in their new home and aren't too unsettled by their long journey from China to Scotland.

Article about Yangguang and Tian Tian.
Interesting article on Giant Pandas.

Sunday, 9 January 2011

Suki's Serene Sunday #4

Suki has been indulging in far more relaxing than walking for the past few weeks, that is going to change now and she's not very pleased!

Saturday, 8 January 2011

URGENT! New Planning Application Now Submitted for Mega Dairy

The first e-mail I came across this year was an urgent request for help from several animal welfare organisations regarding the Nocton mega dairy planning application which has now been resubmitted.  (Something to jog your memory).  The Planning Department at the Council have also contacted me directly asking for my comments on the application and need them before the deadline of 11th January.  If you would like to see the letter please let me know and I will e-mail it to you.

What you can do BEFORE Tuesday 11th January

Please sign this petition if you haven't already.

38 Degrees feel that the businesses behind the factory farm are being clever with the timing of their application and have submitted it just before Christmas hoping it will slip through quietly.  They have reiterated that if the mega dairy does go ahead it will be 30 times bigger than anything the UK has ever seen and make way for more cow factory farms across the country.

Please e-mail the Council directly with your objection at

Visit the Viva website where they provide a template for you to send easily voicing your objection, copy and paste the template and either object online or send it to the e-mail address above.  If you have time, please edit the message to include your own opinions.

Let all your friends on Facebook or Twitter know about this and ask them to do the same, link them to this page where they can get all the information in one place.

I will keep you updated on this, thank you in advance for your help.

Friday, 7 January 2011

Fluffy Friday #15

As it's the very first Fluffy Friday of 2011 and back to the reality of cold, (and in fact snowy in some areas) dark January I feel we all need a warming treat so scroll down and feast your eyes on today's bumper issue....

PS ~ Keep checking back as I will be adding some more Suki and Rusty Christmas related pictures later on!

Meerkats starting the countdown to Valentine's Day early?  No, just Mummy Meerkat being affectionate!

The REAL Happy Feet!
Source (includes a video!)

One of Cute Overload's Top Ten cute animal pictures of 2010, awwww!

Rusty helping dress the Christmas tree.

Suki thoroughly enjoying her Christmas present!

Happy 2011!

Happy New Year to you all, I hope you and your pets had a wonderful Christmas and I wish you all the very best for a happy, healthy and prosperous 2011.

I am sorry I have not posted for so long, the combination of being unwell, travelling back home and Christmas has occupied the last three weeks andI was unable to post.  Still, now the festivities are over it is back to reality and there is plenty of work for us to do so let's get cracking...