Most of Europe’s fishing grounds are currently over-fished. Iconic species are disappearing and coastal communities are being run down. This is all due to current unsustainable fishing regulations.
Channel 4 is currently running "The Big Fish Fight" where chefs including Jamie Oliver and Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall join forces championing sustainable seafood ("and celebrating lesser known delicacies of the deep" but as a vegetarian I'm not interested in that part!)
Have a look
here and if you have time watch some of the very interesting and informative programmes about the fishing industry.
Did you know that over half of the fish caught in the North Sea are thrown overboard dead? Please visit
Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall's campaign to help stop this wasteful fishing. If you support the campaign your name will be added to the ready prepared letter to Commissioner Maria Damanaki, as well as members of the Common Fisheries Policy Reform Group, and all MEPs. If you have a bit more time to spare you can lobby your MP
here asking them to sign the Early Day Motion agreeing to debate the reform of the Common Fisheries Policy.
WWF are also running a More Fish petition which you can sign
As I have mentioned, I don't eat fish but I don't agree with what is currently happening on our planet either.